Supporting and empowering positive birth and postpartum experiences in the greater Phoenix area.

WELCOME, We are Cherry blossom doula services






Let’s talk about compassionate touch as a pain reducing strategy in labor. Here are some great options to try for your birth, Mom.

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Nothing worthwhile is without a bit of effort; yet meeting babe for the first time is one experience we can say is most worthy of everything you’ve got.⁠ Supported birth is your right and our honor, Mom.

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According to UNLV researchers, when they analyzed the concentrations of different substances in placenta capsules they not only found small amounts of minerals like iron and zinc. They also analyzed 17 different hormones in the placenta capsules!⠀

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Doulas are your key to supported, unconditional care, and better outcomes for your labor, birth, and postpartum journey. Again and again we hear it from our own clients and from our birth worker community… doulas are a gift!

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Will every contraction bring belly laughs? Of course not – labor is hard work! But staying relaxed and welcoming as many contractions as you can with a smile on your face will absolutely help you to have your best birth experience

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