Supporting and empowering positive birth and postpartum experiences in the greater Phoenix area.

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Education and information makes for a more empowered approach to bleeding during birth and after birth. Did you know every woman bleeds after vaginal birth? Let’s normalize what to expect and how to prepare.

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They wheeled up my bed and that was the first time I saw the NICU, the place I would spend a good part of my days for the next two months. The nurses were sweet but I was scared. You looked tiny and had a million wires all around you. I didn’t know if you were going to be ok and I felt numb. I felt mad and angry too. It wasn’t fair.

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Nothing worthwhile is without a bit of effort; yet meeting babe for the first time is one experience we can say is most worthy of everything you’ve got.⁠ Supported birth is your right and our honor, Mom.

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