A Powerful Breech Birth Story
In this album, we present to you a beautiful love story of a planned cesarean birth – as baby was breech. Breech babies can be birthed vaginally with the right providers. In this particular circumstance, mom had a large cyst on her placenta (as you’ll see in pictures below) and surgical birth was the very best option.
To further add to this powerful birth story, both mothers planned to breastfeed this precious new babe. Doula Megan captured the moment where working to induce lactation paid off!
What a gift to be a part of this birth.
Questions about breech birth or inducing lactation in non-birthing parents or caregivers? We would love to connect with you and support you in finding the right support systems and resources to make your birthing journey beautiful and powerful, too. Reach out today.
Your Cherry Blossom Doulas
Hi! I’m Alyssa Leon. I lead Cherry Blossom Doula Services, LLC – an inclusive birth + postpartum doula team in Arizona; and mentor doulas in Arizona and beyond.