Are you looking for some simple strategies to increase your calm in pregnancy and postpartum? We’ve got 20+ tips for you today, friend!
Are you looking for some simple strategies to increase your calm in pregnancy and postpartum? We’ve got 20+ tips for you today, friend!
You’ve arrived. You are pregnant! Whether you have waited for what feels like years (or it actually has been years) or this baby wasn’t expected or planned or really, any space between… Here you are. Pregnant! So, what’s next on your pregnancy journey? As a team of birth doulas who have been on this journey […]
Our goal at Cherry Blossom Doula Services is that though you will go through radical changes during pregnancy and into postpartum, you will remain your most whole and well self for decades to come.
Birth is all about potential. Did you know Labor Doulas help you meet your potential? We honor the wisdom of your body with evidence based and holistic education to support your journey. This post is a recap of our 2022 birth statistics.
Babies come to us in all sorts of beautiful and hard ways. And, the journeys that parents walk upon before babes arrive are often precarious.
Doulas honor births of all kinds. This particular story honors homebirth and is written by the mother who birthed at home for the third time.
Repeat client. Have you heard the term before? Families who have birthed with a certain doula and/or midwife birth with their same team again, often! One of the most significant reasons for this is the bond.
Have you considered how you’ll walk through surges and discomfort on your labor journey? In this post, we’re talking about all things epidural – the most common pain management tool offered during labor.
What do early labor, postpartum, and parenting journeys all have in common? In all spaces, rest is absolutely necessary. In this post, we’ll explain both the why and the how (what does rest look like – right where you’re at?). Ready? Let’s dig in. Rest in Early Labor Early labor – you’ve heard the term, […]
Questions about hiring a birth doula? We are sharing everything you wanted to know about choosing a birth doula, and more!