Supporting and empowering positive birth and postpartum experiences in the greater Phoenix area.

WELCOME, We are Cherry blossom doula services






In 2021, our doulas offered up an abundance of encouragement to bring forth the very best possible outcomes for mothers and birthing humans. We’re pretty proud of the results!

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Our team has expanded to meet community demand with few growing pains – and we know this really does make us different. Also, we continue to expand. This kind of growth is sustainable only because we have one another – and, we stay firmly aligned with those values and pillars.

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One of the first signs labor is upon us is contractions. Contractions (or what we like to refer to as surges) can sometimes be confusing – even if it’s your fifth baby. Every single labor is different. Early labor might not be something you’re familiar with. Have you experienced it yet? Did your memory lump labor all into one space?

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Do you know how to prepare your labor and birth space? Have you thought about it yet? We know that when a birthing person feels safe and comfortable, their labor will progress and their surges will feel much more manageable. In this post, we’ll tackle preparing for your best possible birth by creating a safe, […]

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Your labor doula is a fan of your hospital nurse. And vice-versa! We support you in different ways; and believe we’re better together.

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When your birth plans change, you can still have a good – if not great! – birth! Here are our three tips to experience greater freedom and fluidity in your birth story.

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May these photos shed light on the power and strength of birthing humans for birthing humans everywhere. Birth is beautiful. And homebirth, something uniquely-so as babes are compassionately ushered in earth side in their own time… completely unrushed.

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Doulas are your key to supported, unconditional care, and better outcomes for your labor, birth, and postpartum journey. Again and again we hear it from our own clients and from our birth worker community… doulas are a gift!

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